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Thursday, December 17, 2009

New Accounts

Another day, another step. Our most important accounts are set up now. We're active with Liberty Reserve and GetEMoney to start the transfers.

Explanation now. Very simply there's 4 components.
1-Your Bank
3-Liberty Reserve
4-Forex Macro or any other forex investment

Why so much ? I don't know but we need them. First, GetEMoney makes the link between your bank account and Liberty Reserve. Now Liberty Reserve is a form of digital curency that is accepted by almost every online forex trading company. So when you want to invest, your forex company (Forex Macro) will ask for your Liberty Reserve account. So you go ahead and create it but you need to put money into it. This is where you need GetEMoney. From their website, you 'BUY' some Liberty Reserve currency with your bank. After the money is 'BOUGHT', you are now the proud owner of Liberty Reserve currency and your Forex Macro can now use this currency to start trading. I hope that was clear.

Keep checking here cause we'll post the steps to create both account !

1 comment:

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